Manual Test Cases Writing Hacks

Manual testing cases writing hacks


Manual testing is a widely popular testing approach that is adopted by almost every other software tester to make his product bug-free. This testing is laced with many benefits that one can get from it, but all of its benefits can only be ensured by proper manual test case writing. These test cases help manual testing to give better results that one can rely on. But how to write manual test cases and other related aspects are the things that keep testers puzzled. In this blog, we will shed light on how to write manual test cases. So just stay with me and boost your knowledge about manual testing.

How to Write Manual Test Cases

Manual test case writing can be very effective yet very difficult sometimes. While writing these cases, the testers can face many difficulties that can be resolved with the help of the following manual test case tips:


One of the best manual test case best practices is to write effective test cases. While writing test cases, always focus on quality over quantity. There’s a misconception that writing more test cases can give you better results but the reality is quite the opposite. Ineffective test cases can utilize time and available testing resources. So one of the manual test cases best practices is to write super effective test cases. These test cases will produce better results, cover more area, and use less time and project resources.


The next tip to apply in manual test case examples is simplicity. The test cases are designed to aid the process of testing and to make the bug-catching process more effective. To enhance the quality of testing, always write the most simple manual test case examples to help the programmers understand the test cases and give you the desired results. Simple test cases are easy to understand and can help the testers make the programmers understand their message in the best way possible.  


The very next tip to follow while writing manual test case templates is to write test cases that are clear, simple, and easy to understand. When writing manual test cases, focus on ensuring they are easy to understand. Test cases should be clear and straightforward so that anyone, even someone new to the project, can follow them without confusion. Simple language makes the testing process smoother and more efficient. So always go for writing test cases that are easy to understand whenever you are writing manual test case templates.


The next very important tip that one must follow while writing test cases by following all the manual test case guidelines is to write test cases that are not only effective but also reusable. A good practice in manual testing is to write reusable test cases. Reusable test cases save time and effort in the long run. Instead of writing new test cases for every test cycle, effective and reusable ones can be applied multiple times across different testing phases. In this regard, it can be said that reusability is very essential while writing test cases by following all manual test case guidelines.

Regression Testing

One of the most important parts of any testing process is regression testing in which we test if the executed tests on a product have introduced some new defects in it.  Hence writing effective manual test cases includes writing test cases that are also suitable for reliable regression testing. For regression testing, your test cases should be reliable and thorough. It’s important to ensure that old features still work after new changes. Well-written test cases help in checking the existing functionalities quickly and efficiently, making the testing process smoother. So while writing effective manual test cases, always make them regression-friendly to get better results.


The next from the best manual test case techniques and tips is to go for self-review. This tip is very important to make sure the written test cases are fine and do not have any defects in them. For that, always perform a self-review after writing test cases. This helps you spot any mistakes or areas for improvement which can lead to time and resource wastage if executed unattended.. Reviewing your work is one of the very effective manual test case techniques that ensures that the test cases are complete, accurate, and ready to be used without requiring corrections later.

End-user Orientation

This tip is very important for writing a reliable manual test case structure. When writing test cases, always keep the end-user in mind to make sure the produced results can satisfy them. The test cases should reflect how a real user would interact with the software. Focusing on the end-user helps in creating more relevant and practical test cases that lead to better software quality. The manual test case structure can only be made perfect whenever they are designed by keeping the needs of the end-users in mind.


During a reliable manual test cases process, adding proper not-features can be very beneficial because test cases should also cover what the software should not do. Identifying and including non-features helps in catching issues that might arise from unexpected behaviors. This ensures that the software works as intended, without unintended side effects. So never miss adding proper not-features during the manual test cases process.


Well-organized test cases make the testing process easier. Organize your test cases logically, grouping similar ones. A structured approach ensures that all areas are covered and makes it simpler to track progress during testing.

Pair Testing

Pair testing is a good practice to enhance the quality of test cases during manual test case creation. Writing and reviewing test cases with a partner helps in catching mistakes and coming up with better test scenarios. Collaborating with someone else adds a fresh perspective and improves the overall effectiveness of the test cases in the process of manual test case creation.


Consider writing test cases that test the reverse or opposite conditions. This helps in identifying bugs that might occur when the software behaves unexpectedly. Testing from different angles ensures that your test cases cover more scenarios and lead to better software quality.


Test cases are very important in making manual testing effective. These test cases help the testers to execute their tests and get their desired results. Proper manual test case writing can provide you many benefits, and to ensure that, always follow the above-given tips for writing manual test cases. In case you are looking for a reliable manual testing company, Siznam is your best available option.

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