Best Practices of Web Application Testing

Web Application Testing

Best Practices of Web Application Testing

Web Application Testing


Nowadays everything is being done via the internet and due to this much involvement of the internet in our lives, now people access it with the help of different devices like mobiles, laptops, and other devices by installing web apps on them. But what is this web application testing and what are some of the web application testing best practices? In this blog, we will explain both of these things. So be with me to learn something new about web application testing and some involved web application testing best practices.

What is Web Application Testing?

Web Application Testing

In this blog, we will try to explain everything in a very simple and easy manner. So to make sure you get everything, let’s start with discussing web application testing before digging deep into web application testing best practices. So web application testing is a process in which we test web apps for different features making sure they work seamlessly and as intended.  This is a very important step to take before releasing the product for general public use. This web app testing not only comes with several web application testing best practices but also has some types of it which we will discuss in the next section of this blog.

Types of Web App Testing

Types of Web App Testing

Now when we have learnt about web app testing, we are good to go further and understand what are some types of web app testing. In our blog about web app testing best practices, we will share about 7 types of web app testing

Functional Testing

The very first type of web app testing that can be made more robust and promising by applying the web app testing best practices is Functional testing. In this testing, testers check if your web app works the way it should. It tests every feature to make sure they do what they’re supposed to. It’s like making sure every button and link works. By applying the web app testing best practices, you can get the desired results from your functional testing.

Usability Testing

The second type of testing that we will explain in our blog about best practices for web application testing is Usability testing. This reliable form of testing focuses on how easy it is to use your web app. It checks if users can navigate the app smoothly. This testing ensures the app is user-friendly and simple to understand. By using the best practices for web application testing, you can make your usability testing more promising.

Security Testing

Web applications are easily breached, which may lead to the loss of important data. Another kind of web application testing method that makes sure your web application is protected from damaging attacks is security testing. It searches for openings that someone might try to exploit. The app itself and the data of users are to be protected. One of the most crucial methods for web application testing that will assist you in making your web application secure is this one.

Performance Testing

The next type of testing that holds a very prominent spot in almost all types of web application testing checklists is Performance testing.  This is a very special type of web app testing that checks how well your web app handles traffic. It tests how fast the app loads and runs, even when many people use it at once. This helps in keeping the app fast and responsive. Due to these features, performance testing holds a very special spot in all web application testing checklists.

Compatibility Testing

If you are looking for a testing type that can enable your apps to work perfectly on various devices with various specifications, compatibility testing is the one you need. This is one of the finest web app testing techniques which makes sure your web app works well on different devices and browsers. It checks if everything looks good and functions properly on various screen sizes and operating systems. Of all the top web app testing techniques, compatibility testing is one of the most essential ones.

Load Testing

Load testing sees how your web app performs under heavy use. It provides you with the best results if all the web application testing guidelines are followed. It tests how the app behaves when lots of people are using it at the same time. This helps in ensuring it doesn’t crash or slow down. So whenever you need to test your web app about how well it performs under heavy load, always follow the top web application testing guidelines.

Regression Testing

Once testing is performed, there are chances of producing new defects in the web apps which are then tested with Regression testing. By following the best web application testing process this testing ensures that new updates or changes don’t mess up existing features. It checks if everything that worked before still works after making updates. This keeps the app stable and reliable. So always put your web applications under regression testing by applying the best web application testing process.

Best Practices of Web Application Testing

Best Practices

Now we are going to discuss the most important part of our blog which enables us to make our web app testing process more robust. Web app testing is performed to make your web applications more robust and by following the best web app testing process you can get the best results from your testing. Following are some of the most important best practices for testing web applications:

Focus on Cross Browser Compatibility

Out of all the best practices in web application testing, the very first one is to make your web applications compatible with various browsers. Always make sure to test your web app on various browsers to ensure it looks and functions consistently for all users who use it on different browsers. Since different browsers can display pages differently, cross-browser testing is crucial for providing a uniform user experience. Always follow the best practices in web application testing and prioritize testing on the browsers most used by your audience.

Emphasis Usability Testing

The next best practice to ensure by using the best web application testing tools is to make sure your web app doesn’t lack in terms of usability. When testing your web app, focus on usability to ensure it’s easy for users to navigate and interact with. Check how intuitive the design is, how quickly users can complete tasks, and if the overall experience is pleasant. This usability testing is necessary to make sure users of different ages can use it easily. So always use the best web application testing tools to test the usability of your product.

Check the Web App Speed

Web apps are used by thousands of users all the time. Due to this, there is always a chance of crashing of these products leading to a poor user experience. So by using the best web app testing tools, always ensure your web app runs smoothly even under heavy use. Test how quickly pages load and how well the app responds to clicks. This helps in providing a fast and reliable experience for all users. Using the best web app testing tools is the key to making your web apps fast and reliable.

Use Exploratory Testing

The next best practice is to deploy the best web application testing frameworks and add exploratory testing during your development cycle to quickly find and fix issues in your web apps. This approach helps testers discover defects by exploring the app in real time. It complements other testing methods, making the overall testing process faster and more effective. So always go for applying the best web application testing frameworks to make your web apps robust.

Performs Security Testing

Web applications are quite vulnerable to security threats that can result in data loss and poor user experience. To save your apps from such situations, always perform thorough security testing to protect your web app from potential threats. Check for vulnerabilities that could be exploited, ensuring user data is safe and the app is secure. This prevents attacks and maintains user trust.


Web applications are nowadays in trend. Every other mobile or laptop user installs these applications to enjoy using their favorite websites. To make sure users get the best user experience from these products, proper testing of web apps with all the best practices for web app testing is necessary. This testing ensures your web apps are bug-free and are working as intended. There are several best practices for web app testing available and 5 of them are mentioned in this blog. In case you are looking for a reliable web app testing company, Siznam can provide you with the best services at a very reasonable price.

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