How to write test cases: 10 steps you should take in any test case scenario

test cases

How to write test cases: 10 steps you should take in any test case scenario

test cases


Test cases play the most important role in making any testing effective. These test cases are the very first step of any testing cycle and writing them properly is essential for the successful completion of the testing process. Learning how to write test cases is important because they are the opening step in any testing cycle. If anything goes wrong at the first step, the impact gets extrapolated as you move forward in the software testing life cycle. So what are these test cases and what are the steps to write test cases? In this blog, we will discuss this all.

Steps to Write Test Cases: What are Test Cases?

What are Test Cases

Let’s learn about the test cases themselves before doing anything to ensure we understand them properly and are moving in the right direction. The question of how to write test cases requires a good understanding that the test cases are like a type of input that you put into a testing tool to test a product or scenario. The results of these test cases are then compared with the expected results to ensure the product is meeting your expectations. The results of a test case are marked as passed if the outcomes match the expected results and failed if otherwise. Now we will move forward to understand further steps to write test cases.

Types of Test Cases

In our test case writing guide, now we will learn about some basic types of test cases that are usually applied by testing companies like Siznam to test a product. These test case types are the following:

Functional Test Cases

In our test case writing guide, the first type of test case is functional testing. These test cases focus on making sure that everything in the software works as it should. They check each part of the application to confirm that it meets the expected requirements and behaves correctly.

Negative Test Cases

Negative test cases are designed to see how the software handles incorrect or unexpected input. They help ensure that the application can gracefully manage errors without crashing or producing confusing results.

Usability Test Cases

The next type to discuss before discussing test case writing steps is usability test cases. These test cases are used to assess how user-friendly the software is. They focus on the design, layout, and overall user experience to ensure that people can navigate and use the application easily and without frustration.

Performance Test Cases

Performance test cases are aimed at checking how well the software performs under various conditions. They test the speed, responsiveness, and stability of the application, making sure it can handle the demands placed on it. This is a worth mentioning type of test case in our blog of test case writing steps.

Security Test Cases

Security test cases are created to ensure that the software is safe from threats. They focus on protecting the application from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security risks, keeping user information secure. This type is a must to include in our blog on how to create test cases.

While Writing Test Cases

The question of how to create test cases can easily be answered by taking in all the steps of writing the test cases. In this section of our blog, we will explain the steps to take in how to write test cases which are as follows:

Name the Test Cases Properly

The very first step to consider before starting to write test cases or the test case writing best practice is to name your test case properly. This test helps you to reach your desired pages quickly without mistakes. For example, if the login page is tested, the title of the test case must include “Login Page.”

Add a Clear Description of Every Test Case

The next step and another test case writing best practice is to add a clear-cut description of every test case while writing them. This description should be clear and must include important information like test data, precondition, assumption, and test environment. Also, try to ensure this description is elaborated properly and include as much information as possible.

Include Proper Data

The next from the test case scenario steps is to add proper data while writing your test cases. This data must be clearly explained and if it has some kind of values, always double-check them before execution. In test case scenario steps, always ensure that the given values of data are verified.

Prioritize Test Cases

The next very important step for effective test case writing is to make sure you prioritize your test cases according to your project timelines and importance. A feature that is scheduled to be delivered earlier than the other features must be prioritized for testing. During effective test case writing, another working factor is risk which includes testing scenarios in the early stages that are of high risk.

Consider Outsourcing Where necessary

A very important test case writing technique is to check thoroughly for features that you think you can outsource. For such features, always try to write the test cases first and consider outsourcing them. For instance, write tests you can give to developers to run while you are busy testing those high-risk tasks you cannot give to anyone else. This is an essential test case writing technique.

Write Future Relevant Test Cases

Another very important step to focus on while writing detailed test cases is to write test cases that you think can work for you even in the future. Writing such cases can save you from the hassle of writing a new set of test cases for future use. So while writing detailed test cases, always ensure you write those test cases that can help you out now and also in the future.

List Test Cases Properly

The next from the best practices for writing test cases is to create a proper and detailed list of your test cases. This list creation is important based on the importance and risk factors involved to make sure this will help keep the focus on what you need or want to test. Even when the list is not final, you can later break tests down or merge them. So this is another one of the best practices for writing test cases.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

The next step involved in the test case writing process is to focus on one thing at a time. Always ensure that each test case checks only one aspect of the software at a time. This makes it easier to identify where problems are coming from if something goes wrong during testing.

Review and Revise

Another very important step of the test case writing process is to review and revise the test cases properly. After writing your test cases, always review them to make sure they are complete and accurate. Don’t hesitate to revise them if necessary, ensuring they remain relevant and effective.

Keep Them Organized

The last one of the steps to create test cases is to keep your written test case organized properly. Organize your test cases in a logical order so they are easy to find and follow. Group similar tests together, and maintain a consistent format to help keep everything clear and well-structured. This is one of the most important steps in creating test cases


Test cases are very important in making any testing effective. These test cases decide if the tests being executed will help you get your expected results. These test cases or sets of instructions to input in a tool are important to improve the quality of a tool. There are different types of these test cases and writing them properly can provide you several benefits. Besides, never miss following the above-given steps about how to write test cases to get the best results. In case you are looking for a reliable testing company, Siznam is the one you can trust.

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